The Success Contract

In this exercise, you are going to tap into the power of accountability and get somebody else on board to help you follow through with your goals.

This worksheet is a success contract.

Cut it out, fill it out with your most important goals and find a contract partner to review your results at a specified date, and make sure both of you sign it. You know, your journey is serious business.

Here are a few tips before you start filling out the success contract:

  • Give the success contract to someone who wants the best for you, and who is willing to make a small time invest in your personal betterment.
  • Carve out a regular time block where you will talk with your coach, friend, partner about your current journey of betterment.
  • As an additional motivation, you can give a certain amount of money to your accountability partner and allow him to keep it, (or to donate it to an organization) if you don’t follow through with your plan.
  • Goal achievement is a skill, aim low in the beginning. The smaller you make your goal, the more likely it is that you will hit your target and move on to take on a bigger challenge.
  • Grow incrementally, and be realistic with your expectation of progress. You’re not doing yourself a favor when your goal is to work out twice a day, only to experience failure on day three.
  • If your mission fails, don’t be disappointed. Just figure out what exactly went wrong, make adjustments and jump back on the horse. This way your success will become inevitable.

Make sure that your goals are:





[T]imely limited and important to you

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