Hey Friendo

For quite some time, I have been racking my brain how I can add value to you guys.

One of the main motivators to start my blog was so that I can sprinkle something real in the vain and narcissistic play garden that is the world of Instagram.  But How?

I do not, in any kind of way, feel qualified enough, however, to suddenly become the “This is how you should do it, guy”.

I am more the “WTF; I am the I have no idea what I am doing type of guy”.

But what I can do is find people who are kicking a*s in life, and ask them straight how they are doing it!

I started my journey of pursuing my dream of becoming a vagabond and nomadic psychologist because I wanted to show people that transformation is actually possible.  So, all of this is sort of an expert, to document my journey of getting my sh*t.  Maybe even inspire you even a little bit to go all out yourself.

If I can do it, so can you.

This is why, some time ago, I took myself on the hunt for extraordinary people to pick their brains and learn about their psychology.

You already know about my 1,000 book challenge and my book club.  Reading 1,000 books is going to take me some while though.  So, being the lazy ba*tard that I am, I was looking for a shortcut.  So, I thought, why not reach out directly to world experts and outstanding people, and ask them how they got there!

This way, I grow much faster than if I were to try to figure out everything for myself.

This is why I named my Psychology Podcast, Grow.

Who Do You Interview?

Each episode will feature a guest who will inspire your mind and give you a different perspective on the many paths that can lead to a fulfilled and rich life.

My definition of success varies from the conventional way.

I believe a dirtbag free climber who lives stoically in his van to do what he loves, has as much to teach us as a millionaire Silicon Valley entrepreneur.  But, just to make sure; however, I will ask both of them!

My guests vary from self-made millionaires, digital nomads, founders, to monks, professional athletes, artist, poets authors, and singers.  I go all Liam Nelson on you guys: IF YOU ARE KICKING AS* IN LIFE; I WILL FIND YOU!

I try to dissect and extract the habits, rituals, routines, tools, and patterns of extraordinary people to understand their psychology.

This includes their favourite books, morning routines, exercise habits, time-management tricks, nutritional philosophies, and their ideas of happiness and success.

Why Did I Start A Podcast?

I spent years and years of studying clinical psychology, which means the science of unhappiness.  For quite some time, I was my own case study.  I was unhappy, and sometimes to this day, I still have my fair share of trouble with myself.

However, over the last 10 years of studying psychology,  I can proudly say that I know a thing or two about mood disorders and depression.  I am, so to speak, an expert in unhappiness—an expert at how to not do things.

For quite some time, the focal point of my interest shifted to the other side of the spectrum.  How are happy and successful people doing things?

At the moment, I am interested in gathering habits, success secrets, behavioural patterns, tricks, and tools that you and I can use in our daily life to grow.

At the same time, I discuss with my guest, habits, mindsets, tools, and life philosophies one should stay away from.

Therefore in my podcast, I try to look for gold nuggets in a treasure trove that is the human mind.

Shoutout to Tim Ferris and BJ Fogg.  The two of you inspired me to start my own journey of understanding how this whole human thing works.  Hope that soon I will be able to give something back to you guys.

Thank you,

Thanks for listening and enjoy the podcast.  Write in the comments: If you could have dinner with any person in the world, dead or alive, who would you choose to chill with?!

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Charles Duhigg`s The Power Of Habit {Book Review}

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How To Overcome Writer's Block

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