The Behavior Kickstarter is a combination of Habit Journal, Behavior Formation Masterclass, and a collection of carefully chosen Positive Psychology Exercises.
A system that teaches you the secrets of behavior architecture
A deep understanding of habit formation and environment manipulation
Access to a variety of tested behavior psychology techniques
Daily, weekly, monthly habit forming journal prompts that will enable you to redesign your behavior and optimize your environment.
Success Momentum
The Behavior Kickstarter
How it works
You will invent an ideal future blueprint and answer the question: What would my life look like if I could have it my way?
Learn how you can manipulate your living environment in way that it works for you instead of against you.
You will architect a success routine around yourself so that you become the person who is capable of producing the results you truly deserve.
For eight weeks, you are going to become a behavior detective who will design, reflect and optimize his daily actions in a way that you can’t help yourself but to get better every single day.
The Habit Builder is your personal cheat sheet when it comes to forming new habits. The things you do every day may seem small and unimportant, but they are the most important things you do in your life
Habit Recepies
The Behavior Kickstarter will provide you with 100 proven Habit Recipes that will help you to understand the mechanics of habit formation
Journal prompts will help you to grow, record, and measure new healthy habits so that you can get 1% closer to your ideal future scenario every single day
Reflect Your Day
Reflect each night on your behavior and answer the crucial question: How can I make more out of tomorrow?
Identify which of the new habits worked and which of your behavioral patterns are in need of repair.
Design Your Next Week
Apply the lessons you learned from last week into measurable action steps and grow new habits that will make you stronger, healthier, richer and wiser within the next seven days.
Deconstruct last month’s results and find positive and negative behavioral patterns with the help of the monthly habit tracker.
Design Your Next Month
Aligns your behavior with your ideal future blueprint and use next month to install a success system around you that grooms you into your future ideal self
Reading is the most supreme life-hack there is, this is why you will find at the end of this journal a list of great books that will help you to become a behavior architect yourself
As a therapist, I recommend the Behavior Kickstarter to my clients so that they can learn playfully how to change their behavior themselves.
I Quit Smoking
The Behavior Kickstarter helped me get rid of my smoking habit. I’ve tried a lot of things, but the combination of habit tracker, daily prompts, and psychological exercises was enough for me to control my addictive habits and regain control over my behavior and my life
Instant Therapy
Three months of using the Behavior Kickstarter introduced more positive change into my life than five years of psychotherapy. WATCH OUT if you get your hands on this behavior journal you will get what you asked for; massive transformation.